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Original Research Article | OPEN ACCESS

Effect of garlic on perfusion scintigraphy of rabbit’s lungs following experimentally-induced pulmonary embolism

Gholamreza Assadnassab

Department of Clinical Science, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Tabriz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran;

For correspondence:-     Email:   Tel:+989144121145

Received: 7 December 2014        Accepted: 8 April 2015        Published: 26 May 2015

Citation: Assadnassab G. Effect of garlic on perfusion scintigraphy of rabbit’s lungs following experimentally-induced pulmonary embolism. Trop J Pharm Res 2015; 14(5):783-787 doi: 10.4314/tjpr.v14i5.6

© 2015 The authors.
This is an Open Access article that uses a funding model which does not charge readers or their institutions for access and distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License ( and the Budapest Open Access Initiative (, which permit unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly credited..


Purpose: To study of the effect of garlic on rabbit’s lungs, with the aid of perfusion scintigraphy, after experimentally-induced pulmonary embolism. 
Methods: Twelve adult rabbits were anesthetized. Prepared macroaggregated albumin- technetium 99m (99mTc-MAA) radiopharmaceutical was injected into the ear vein at a dose of 1.5 mCi. Perfusion scintigraphic images of the healthy rabbits’ lungs were taken, and pulmonary embolism was experimentally induced by injection of autologous blood clots. Again, lung perfusion scintigraphic images of the rabbits’ lungs were obtained. The animals were divided into two groups. The first group received normal saline and the other group received garlic tablet medication for seven days. Thereafter, perfusion scintigraphic images of the lungs were generated.
Results: The symmetric accumulation of radiotracer in the right and the left lobes of the lungs were observed in the scintgraphic images of the healthy animals. In embolic status scans, non-symmetric accumulation of the radiopharmaceutical was seen while in the scintigrams of garlic-treated group with pulmonary embolism, symmetric absorption of radioisotope was observed, similar to the perfusion lung scans of healthy animals.  
Conclusion: The results obtained show that garlic may help to dissolve the blood clots that cause pulmonary embolism in rabbits. 

Keywords: Garlic, Pulmonary embolism, Blood clots, Rabbit, Perfusion scintigraphy, Radioisotope

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Thompson Reuters (ISI): 0.523 (2021)
H-5 index (Google Scholar): 39 (2021)

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